My Breastfeeding Journey

In celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, I’m sharing my breastfeeding journey as a first-time mom in hopes to raise awareness of breastfeeding benefits and empowering new moms to feel confident in doing so. I agree that fed is best whether you choose breastmilk or formula for your child but I’m dedicating this post to celebrate the beauty of nursing and to support the breastfeeding and pumping community.

I over-prepared myself for childbirth by reading every single thing about childbearing because I was so afraid of it. But I should have prepared myself more for breastfeeding. My birthing experience was a piece of cake compared to learning how to breastfeed for the first time. I had an entire staff of nurses and midwives instructing me step-by-step on how to push a baby out but I was completely on my own when it came to breastfeeding. It was a difficult learning experience for both me and my daughter. Sore nipples, cracked nipples, bleeding nipples, engorged breasts, and clogged milk ducts were all the physical symptoms I had in the beginning. I was also sleep deprived and mentally exhausted just thinking about the next nursing session. I was ready to give up after two weeks into breastfeeding… but here I am, 14 months later and still going! I have also donated over 2,000 ounces of breast milk for premature babies and for moms who were unable to produce but want breast milk for their babies. The breastfeeding benefits and the special bonding time with my daughter are the reasons why I have been able to power through to have gone this long! My personal goal is to continue nursing until she’s 18 months old or earlier if she decides to wean off on her own. World Health Organization (WHO) recommends nursing your child for at least 2 years and the American Pediatrics Association (AAP) recommends until age 1.

Highlighting a few breastfeeding benefits:

  • Health benefits for baby – “breast is best” means there are no formula or milk out there that has the same level of nutrients as breast milk. Breast milk is the most natural and organic food source, so it’s easier for babies to digest. Breast milk also passes on antibodies to provide a stronger immune system and thus breastfed babies get sick less often.
  • Health benefits for moms – helps speed up the process of the uterus shrinking back to pre-pregnancy size, lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, and lowers the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Bonding – a truly unique experience that only lasts such a short amount of time. I get so emotional sometimes from simply looking into her eyes during our nursing session. They grow up so fast!
  • Costs – breast milk is FREE!
  • Eco-friendly – you leave no footprints on this planet from breastfeeding. No bottles, no plastic, nothing!

My biggest advice for new moms who are about to embark on this wonderful journey is to IGNORE the UNSOLICITED ADVICE: The unsolicited advice can come from family, friends, and even random strangers. There are some who mean well and truly just want to help and then there are some who provide their unwanted opinions because it makes them uncomfortable seeing a mother feed their child in public. I will never understand why there is so much scrutiny and shame for a mother in this society to breastfeed their child. Why are some mothers being told by strangers to “cover up” or “go do that in the bathroom”? We should NOT have to fight to “normalize breastfeeding” when breastfeeding is the most natural thing that occurs in ALL mammals on this planet. Humans have been doing this all over the world since they have been walking this Earth.

I remember fumbling around with a nursing cover while trying to calm my crying baby down in the beginning. Then it hit me later that there is nothing inappropriate about feeding a child in public. You have the right to feed your baby in public and you also have the choice to use or not use a nursing cover. You do NOT need to appease to random strangers. You do what is best for YOU and what is best for YOUR BABY. No other opinions matter, period.

All smiles after our nursing session.

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