My Holy Grail Hair Products

The question that everyone (even the hair stylists) would ask me whenever they play with my hair is… “What hair products do you use? Because it looks and feels so healthy!” I have colored my hair since I was a pre-teen all throughout high school. Then, I left it back to my natural hair color throughout college (poor college student). Now, I’m back to coloring my hair again. But I’ve still maintained healthy hair through all the years of color dye and bleach!  Below are the hair products that I use:

It’s a 10!
Miracle Leave-in Product
This is my absolute holy grail with or without color in my hair. I’ve used this after every single hair wash for the past few years. It’s a leave-in conditioner following your shower. Not only does it have a refreshing scent, it also helps detangles and nourishes your hair. You can find this at your local Target and some drugstores. You can also find this in the biggest size they have (10 fl. oz.) on Amazon. It’s worth it for me because I use this very often.

Bond Perfector No. 2
I began using this product this year after my first balayage hair treatment. Balayage is similar to hair coloring and highlighting but instead it’s a new, trendy style of hair painting. This product is slightly costly for its fl oz. quantity, but it works! After a couple months, the hair color starts to fade and your hair gets dried. You apply this in damped hair for 5-10 minutes, rinse, then your usual shampoo and conditioner wash. Using this once every few weeks will keep it healthy, shiny, and soft (VERY soft!). This is sold at selective hair salons for a very high price, cheaper alternatives can be found on Amazon.

Not Your Mother’s
Clean Freak Dry Shampoo (unscented)
Who has time to wash their hair every single day? Not me. I do not wash my hair daily because it takes too long (wash, dry, comb) and I just don’t feel like it sometimes. But my thin, silky hair gets so oily in one day! So, this dry shampoo comes in handy. Not only is it a light product, it is also inexpensive ($5).  I personally prefer the unscented but it makes no difference. You can find this at any drugstore.

Heat Tamer Leave-in Spray
It’s important not to apply so much heat to your hair. But for the times when you have to curl or straighten your hair – this is a great product to apply prior. Just a couple spritzes and your hair will love you for it. Also, it smells amazing. Find this at Target or your local drugstore.

Bumble and Bumble
BB Thickening – Dryspun Finish
BB CitySwept – Finish
I was introduced to BB at a hair salon event and I really like their products. These two products are very light and they do not weigh your hair down. The BB Thickening (as the name gives it away) provides it a voluminous finish. This helps my curls look fuller because my hair is usually very flat. The BB CitySwept is also a hairspray with just enough oomph in your hair without overdoing it.

I hope you found this to be useful and good luck with all your hair goals.

Disclaimer: this article is not sponsored and is simply provided to you all from my honest opinion.


  1. Jenna
    December 13, 2016 / 12:19 am

    Hi Tina! I have to ask where do you get your balayage done? It’s so gorgeous! I’ve been looking for new hair dressers in the NOVA area.

    • December 13, 2016 / 7:28 am

      Hi Jenna! I go to D-Rock Salon in Fairfax, VA 🙂 my hairstylist is Don but everyone there does a great job.

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